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Pork secreto al vermouth with wheat risotto

Embedded thumbnail for Pork secreto al vermouth with wheat risotto
4 People Duration: 2h
  • Pork secreto (best pork cuts from the shoulder)
  • 1 glass of black vermouth
  • Wheat
  • ‘Pata de mulo’ cheese
  • Mango

1. Salt the secreto.

  • Sprinkle salt on both sides of the secreto pork fillet to enhance its flavor.

2. Sear the fillet in the frying pan.

  • Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat and sear the secreto pork fillet until golden brown on both sides while keeping the interior juicy.

3. Pour over a glass of vermouth, reduce and remove from the heat.

  • Add a glass of black vermouth to the pan with the secreto.
  • Allow it to reduce until it forms a thick sauce.
  • Remove the fillet from the heat and let it rest.

4. Cook the wheat.

  • Boil the wheat in salted water according to the package instructions until tender.
  • Drain and set aside.

5. Dice the mango.

  • Peel the mango and cut it into small cubes to combine with the wheat.

6. Mix the cooked wheat with the diced mango.

  • Combine the cooked wheat with the mango cubes in a bowl, ensuring an even distribution.

7. Grate the ‘pata de mulo’ cheese and place together with the wheat and the mango.

  • Grate the ‘pata de mulo’ cheese and mix it into the wheat and mango combination.
  • Stir well until the cheese melts slightly, creating a creamy texture.

8. Serve the secreto in strips on a plate on a bed of wheat.

  • Slice the secreto into thin strips and arrange them on a plate over a bed of the wheat, mango, and cheese mixture.
  • Optionally, garnish with a drizzle of the reduced vermouth sauce or fresh herbs.
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