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The nutritional value of pork: tasty, healthy and light

It seems strange that even now in the 21st century there are still some forums which call into doubt the high nutritional value of pork for human nutrition, when numerous scientific studies have demonstrated its fundamental contribution to health. However, it seems that no-one doubts its excellent flavour and culinary versatility…

Source of proteins and essential amino acids

Expert nutritionists, such as Dr. Magnolia Escobar, university professor and researcher of international standing, assure us that "pork meat is an excellent source of proteins because the quality of its proteins is of high biological value and it has all the essential amino acids which facilitate its absorption by the organism". It also has a high digestibility coefficient, reaching 92 percent. Pork meat, then, is rich, healthy and light.

Research has established that this meat is one of the most healthy that we can eat and it has been discovered that its fat is the richest in monounsaturated fatty acids, that is to say, it is healthier than other meats, such as red or processed meats. Pork meat, with its contribution in vitamins, minerals… and few calories, has the most appropriate properties for the needs of the modern sedentary society, with little variation in diet.

Pork as a source of vitamins and minerals

100 grams of pork cover a high percentage of recommended daily allowance of many nutrients: 7% of iron, 11% of potassium, 6% of magnesium and 15% of zinc. Also it is rich in B-complex vitamins, among them: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12 (not present in vegetables) and especially rich in vitamin B1, of which it has from 8 to 10 times as much as all the other meats.

In addition to its own contribution, it helps to improve the synthesis of nutrients from other foods. As is the case of iron, zinc of animal origin helps us to absorb and use the zinc contained in plant products in greater quantity.

Eating pork is also good for low salt diets

Pork meat supplies the body with a significant quantity of phosphorus and is low in sodium, so that it is recommended for people with blood pressure problems or anaemia.

Pork, one of the most complete foods

According to the specialised publication Veterinaria Digital: “The nutritive value of pork meat makes it one of the most complete foods to satisfy man’s needs, and its consumption contributes to a large degree in improving the human quality of life from the viewpoint of physical and intellectual performance”.

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